This article explains how to change the registered email address associated with your Scanova account.
The email address registered with your Scanova account is essential for login, receiving important updates, and account management. However, if you need to change your registered email address, this article provides a step-by-step guide on how to request this update.
A. How to Edit Registered Email Address
- Login to the Scanova Account
- From the left sidebar, click on Profile > Login Method
- Click on the Edit option beside the email address field
- Enter your password and click on Next
- Enter the new email and click on Save
- A verification link will be sent to the updated email address and upon clicking on Verify the email address will be updated
- Please note that all the stored payment methods will not change and any running subscription will continue. Users are advised to update the Profile and Tax information from the ‘Profile > View/Edit’ section before the update
- Also, please note that users won't be able to update the email address if there exists a different Scanova Account with the same account. In this case, users are required to delete the existing account to be able to proceed with making the changes. For details, please see: Delete Scanova Account
If you still have questions related to this topic, feel free to reach out to our customer relations team at