This article explains the Conditional Redirection feature in Scanova's Website URL QR Codes.
Conditional Redirection allows users to set multiple redirection rules for a single Website URL QR Code based on specific conditions such as the location, device type, or time of scan. This feature enables personalized and targeted experiences for end-users, making your QR Code campaigns more relevant and effective. This guide will explain how to configure and use Conditional Redirection in Scanova.
Conditional Redirection helps to redirect end-users to specific URLs based on the following conditions:
Country of the end-user
The user will be redirected to a specific URL based on the country. For example: If the user wants to redirect the end-users of Country A to Website 1 and the end-users of Country B to Website 2 that can be done using this option.
Device type
The user will be redirected to a specific URL based on the type of device used to scan the QR Code. The device conditions that can be used are Mobile, Tablet, PC, Bot, and Others.
The operating system of the scanning device
The user will be redirected to a specific URL based on the operating system of the scanning device.
Note: Up to 50 conditions can be implemented and a combination of any 2 types of conditions is not available.
Steps to implement the Conditional Redirection:
- Login to the Scanova
- Click on Create QR Code
- Click on Website URL QR Code or search in the quick search bar
- On the subsequent screen, fill in a web URL in the provided space that has to be displayed upon scanning. This URL is a Fallback URL which means it will be displayed to the users who will not be falling into the conditions set
- Click on Advanced Settings and check Conditional Redirection
- Choose the conditions to set and click on Continue
Enter the QR Code name and select tag, Click on Continue
Note: Pro or Enterprise subscription is needed to use this feature.
If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us at