This article explains how to access and use the API Documentation in Scanova to integrate QR Code generation, management, and analytics into your own systems.
The Scanova API Documentation provides detailed instructions and examples to help developers integrate Scanova’s QR Code generation and management features into their own systems or applications. This guide explains how to access the API documentation and what you’ll find within it.
A. How to access Management API
Here's how you can access the Management API:
- Login to the Scanova Account
- On the left sidebar, click on Settings > API
- Click on View API Documentation. This will open the API documentation, where you can explore different functionalities and capabilities offered by the Scanova API.
B. Features of the API Documentation
The Scanova API documentation includes:
- Authentication Guidelines - Learn how to authenticate API requests using your API key. The documentation provides examples on how to include the key in headers for secure access to Scanova’s API
- API Endpoints - A list of all available API endpoints, covering QR Code creation, updates, tracking, and deletion
- Sample Code - Pre-written code snippets in multiple programming languages (e.g., cURL, HTTP) are provided to help developers quickly integrate API functions
Test Environment - Use the provided Sandbox API to test integrations before using live data. The test environment allows developers to experiment with API requests and responses without affecting live QR Codes
- Postman Integration - The documentation provides the option to use Postman, a popular API testing tool, allowing users to run API requests directly from the browser or Postman application
For further assistance with accessing or understanding the API documentation, feel free to contact the support team at